
The Labs provides a platform for conducting both proprietary and collaborative research to explore and validate the market, commercial and technical issues that may accelerate ISO 20022 adoption and innovation.

We’re currently exploring research in areas such as:

  • Adoption Rates in various industries and geographies
  • Corporate and Sectoral Use Cases
  • Economic Impact
  • Industry & Supply Chain Use Cases
  • Implementation Best Practices
  • International Interoperability
  • Tech interoperability: Blockchain, AI, etc…
  • ISO Message Innovation
  • Regulatory Best Practices
  • Smart contracts via ISO messages
  • ‘Data-rich’ payment business integration and transformation

20022 Labs is a new initiative, so our research work has just begun. Check back often for our published work and new initiatives.

Work with us

If you have research you’d like to work with us to undertake, please complete this form:

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